Bewley GP and Vollmer J (2013) “The journey of hydrogen to quantized vortex cores,” Physica Scripta T155, 014055. (a Physica Scripta Highlight of 2013)
Category: Helium Fluid Mechanics
The influence of hydrogen particles on the evolution of a quantized vortex ring
Bewley GP and Sreenivasan KR (2009) “The decay of a quantized vortex ring and the influence of tracer particles,” Journal of Low Temperature Physics 156, 84−94.
The generation of particles to observe quantized vortex dynamics in superfluid helium
Bewley GP (2009) “The generation of particles to observe quantized vortex dynamics in superfluid helium,” Cryogenics 49, 549−553.
Characterization of reconnecting vortices in superfluid helium
Bewley GP, Paoletti MS, Sreenivasan KR and Lathrop DP (2008) “Characterization of reconnecting vortices in superfluid helium,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 13707−13710. (Highlighted by PNAS)
Visualization of quantized vortex dynamics
Bewley GP, Paoletti MS, Lathrop DP and Sreenivasan KR (2008) “Visualization of quantized vortex dynamics,” in Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence, ed. Kaneda Y (Nagoya, Japan), 163−170.
Particles for tracing turbulent liquid helium
Bewley GP, Sreenivasan KR and Lathrop DP (2008) “Particles for tracing turbulent liquid helium,” Experiments in Fluids 44, 887−896.
Visualization of quantized vortices
Bewley GP, Lathrop DP and Sreenivasan KR (2006) “Visualization of quantized vortices,” Nature 441, 558.