Dubey A, Gustavsson K, Bewley GP and Mehlig B (2022) “Bifurcations in droplet collisions,” Physical Review Fluids 7, 064401.
Category: Particles-Fluid Flows
How oscillatory motion above a saturated sand bed leads to heap formation
Laurent K, La Ragione L, Jenkins J and Bewley GP (2022) “How oscillatory motion above a saturated sand bed leads to heap formation,” Physical Review E 105, 054901.
Collisions of micron-sized, charged water droplets in still air
Magnusson G, Dubey A, Kearney RV, Bewley GP and Mehlig B (2022) “Collisions of micron-sized, charged water droplets in still air,” Physical Review Fluids 7, 043601.
Development and validation of a patient face-mounted, negative-pressure antechamber for reducing exposure of healthcare workers to aerosolized particles during endonasal surgery
Lee M, Rivera-Rosario HT, Kim MH, Bewley GP, Wang J, Warhaft Z, Stylman B, Park AI, MacMahon A, Kacker A and Schwartz TH (2022) “Development and validation of a face-mounted, negative-pressure antechamber for endonasal surgery,” Journal of Neurosurgery 135, 1825–1832.
Turbulence explains the accelerations of an eagle in natural flight
Laurent K, Fogg B, Ginsburg T, Halverson C, Lanzone M, Miller T, Winkler D and Bewley GP (2021) “Turbulence explains the accelerations of an eagle in natural flight,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2102588118. (Highlighted by PNAS)
How to extract energy from turbulence in flight by fast tracking
Bollt SA and Bewley GP (2021) “How to extract energy from turbulence in flight by fast tracking,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 921, A1.
Lagrangian tracking of colliding droplets
Kearney RV and Bewley GP (2020) “Lagrangian tracking of colliding droplets,” Experiments in Fluids 61, 155.
Bedforms produced on a particle bed by vertical oscillations of a plate
La Ragione L, Laurent K, Jenkins J and Bewley GP (2019) “Bedforms produced on a particle bed by vertical oscillations of a plate,” Physical Review Letters 123, 058501.
Extreme fluctuations of the relative velocities between droplets in turbulent airflow
Saw EW, Bewley GP, Bodenschatz E, Ray SS, and Bec J (2014) “Extreme fluctuations of the relative velocities between droplets in turbulent airflow,” Physics of Fluids 26, 111702.
Settling regimes of inertial particles in isotropic turbulence
Good GH, Ireland PJ, Bewley GP, Bodenschatz E, Collins LR and Warhaft Z (2014) “Settling regimes of inertial particles in isotropic turbulence,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 759, R3.